Climate Change

As Better Crops Ltd, we provide consultancy services on programs that focus on Adaptation.

We, come up with Adaptation Strategies that aims to increase society’s resilience to climate change especially in relation to farming targeting Small holder farmers in Africa, frameworks/ programs for managing future climate risk, prioritizing and coordinating action which offers the potential of reducing future economic, environmental and social costs.

We also focus on;

  1. Developing and promoting usage of more diverse crop strains tolerant of a variety of different conditions (heat, drought, salt, etc.);
  2. Bolstering social capital and resilience;
  3. Creating early warning systems and preparedness.
  4. Promote usage of TIMPS (Technologies, Innovations and Management Practices) that are climate Smart.
  5. Use Small Scale drip irrigation.
  6. Rain Water harvesting.
  7. Soil and Water Conservation.

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